Practice Business Manager
Barry Matthews
Deputy Manager
Nicola Smith
Operations Manager
Mandy Henwood-Keefe
The Reception Team
Claire Williams, Carol Pridmore, Nicola Hughes-Morgan, Raquel Thisby, Kerry Thomas, Kerry Swallow, Joanne O’Keefe, Faith Jones, Samantha James, Natalie Cole, Gemma Shepherd, Nicola Davies, Ella Hooke, Carly Stabler, James Boniwell
Our reception staff are fully trained and do a difficult and stressful job. Please remember that if they keep you waiting or seem to be asking you unnecessary questions, they are carrying out our policy to make the practice run smoothly. They have to judge the urgency of your request, so please try to give them the necessary information. They are not just being nosy.
The Secretarial Team
Natalie Cole & Sue Rumbelow.
Data Entry/Administration
Tanya Lewis, Sue Rumbelow, Kasey Evans
Rheolwr Busnes y Practis
Barry Matthews
Dirprwy Reolwr
Nicola Smith
Rheolwr Gweithrediadau
Mandy Henwood-Keefe
Y Tîm Derbyn
Claire Williams, Carol Pridmore, Nicola Hughes-Morgan, Raquel Thisby, Kerry Thomas, Kerry Swallow, Joanne O’Keefe, Faith Jones, Samantha James, Natalie Cole, Gemma Shepherd, Nicola Davies, Ella Hooke, Carly Stabler, James Boniwell.
Mae staff ein derbynfa wedi eu hyfforddi'n llawn ac yn gwneud gwaith anodd a llawn straen. Cofiwch, os byddant yn eich aros yn aros neu'n ymddangos eich bod yn gofyn cwestiynau aflwyddiannus i chi, maent yn cyflawni ein polisi i wneud i'r practis redeg yn esmwyth. Rhaid iddynt farnu pa mor frys yw'ch cais, felly ceisiwch roi'r wybodaeth angenrheidiol iddynt. Nid dim ond bod yn nosy ydyn nhw.
Y Tîm Ysgrifenyddol
Natalie Cole a Sue Rumbelow.
Tîm Mynediad Data/Gweinyddu
Tanya Lewis, Sue Rumbelow, Kasey Evans